Research & Development

Comprehensive membership R&D support is one of our core service packages offered. Research and development support includes the selection of relevant challenges, facilitation of the creation of project consortia, preparation and management of innovative plans, and consultations for financial and legislative area.

Selection of relative challenges

We periodically control domestic and international subsidy programs and select challenges that are relevant to the membership base. This service represents significant added value and saves time for our members.

Consortium formation

We help our members to create project consortia for domestic and international projects. For these purposes, we use not only entities that are part of the Nanoprogress cluster, but also a network of multinational verified partners.

Preparation and management of innovative plans

Together with the membership base, we prepare new innovative plans and help with their management. For the purpose of transparent management, we created steering committees that serve as control mechanisms for the implementation of joint projects.

Administrative support (financial, legislative)

We offer administrative and legislative support to members to reduce their administrative burden and create space for quality implementation of innovative project plans.

Providing access to shared infrastructure and know-how

The cluster owns a unique infrastructure with which it offers members access and know-how owned by the cluster.

Preparation and implementation of tenders

Together with an internal team of lawyers, the cluster provides support to members in the preparation and implementation of tenders.


Supporting the internationalization of members is a fundamental building block of our services. This support mainly includes partnering for the development of research and business opportunities, support for entry into target markets, coordinating and organization of exchange stays and organization of trade missions.

Partnering for R&D and business opportunities

During its existence, Nanoprogress has created a strong partner network in the European cluster community. Using these links, we help connect our members with international entities and expand development and business opportunities for them.

Support for entering target markets

We help the member base to enter prime foreign markets. We use not only a multinational network of partner cluster organizations, but also chambers of commerce and local facilitators who physically operate in the target markets.

Provision and organization of exchange stays

As part of internationalization, we also focus on facilitating exchange stays of R&D and business entities in European countries. We make sure that these exchange stays bring added value for our members.

Organization of B2B missions

Thanks to a strong network of global partners, we offer our membership the opportunity to participate on trade missions in target markets. We also organize missions in cooperation with local entities, where each mission has its own predetermined program.

Marketing & PR

Promotion of the unique results and successes of the membership base and the Nanoprogress cluster organization itself is a key element for ensuring effective support policies and the long-term sustainability of the association and its members. Nanoprogress uses a number of effective tools such as membership catalog, website, social networks and promotional videos for promoting.

Information service on current challenges

Based on a selection of relevant challenges for our research and development and business entities, we periodically provide our member base with actual information about planned and advertised subsidy opportunities.

Member profile in multilingual printed catalog

To increase the efficiency of the national and international presentation of the membership base and connecting with target partners, a multilingual membership catalog was created, where each member has a detailed profile.

Member profile on website

Member profiles are dynamically presented on the Nanoprogress cluster organization website in a separate section. Profiles are further linked to the home page through the icons of the individual member organizations.

Presentation on social networks and the portal

In order to make communication more efficient and increase the reach of marketing messages, Nanoprogress uses leading social networks such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or YouTube and the professional scientific portal www.vědavý

Realization of promotional videos (script, camera, editing)

In cooperation with partners and members, Nanoprogress prepares promotional videos in several language mutations. The cluster has also extensive experience in the preparation of serial cycles about the application of nanotechnology focues on popularizing the general public.

Organization and representation at key events

Representatives of the cluster organization regularly participate in leading domestic and foreign events. At these events, they represent the achievements and activities of their members in the form of direct presentations and also with the use of a printed version of the membership catalog.

Educational activities

The development of the knowledge base of member entities plays a fundamental role for the effective functioning and sustainability of the business and scientific research spheres. In this area, Nanoprogress provides professional training, implements professional seminars and webinars and provides specific consultations on specific needs to members.

Providing of professional training (soft skills, management skills, IT)

Nanoprogress provides training for its members in cooperation with external entities and expert lecturers in thematic areas of information technology, management and soft skills and other areas according to the specific needs of the membership base.

Realization of other professional seminars / webinars

Together with its partner organizations, Nanoprogress realizes professional thematic seminars or webinars for its member companies. Members have the opportunity to obtain actual information of current trends in the branch and can exchange experiences and good practices.

Specific consultations based on specific needs

Thanks to the diversity of qualifications, competences and experience of the Nanoprogress team and tight connection to a number of leading experts, we are able to ensure an individual approach for our members and provide specific consultations according to their needs.