Future Materials and Products for Advanced Smart Packaging (Adpack)

Provider: EU

In 2015, the Nanoprogress cluster together with the Packbridge, BNPT, InovCluster and Plastiwin clusters successfully won an international project aimed at the development of international inter-cluster cooperation called AdPack.

In 2015, the Nanoprogress cluster, together with the Packbridge, BNPT, InovCluster and Plastiwin clusters, successfully won an international project aimed at the development of international inter-cluster cooperation called AdPack, the implementation of which began in January 2016 and lasted until 2017. The project partners combine various specific competencies to strengthen and innovate the value chain of the packaging industry. The cross-sectoral approach includes the areas of food industry, nanotechnology, plasma technology, new plastic materials and the packaging industry. Eligible expenses were covered by the COSME project within the call COS-CLUSTER-2014-3-03, where the European Commission is the grant support provider, other costs were covered from own resources. The main goal of the project was to strengthen cross-border cooperation and internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) across Europe and support their entry into third markets. Among the most important specific goals are the definition of relevant third markets, the support of the visibility of SMEs on a global scale, the preparation of a common internationalization strategy and the establishment of the European AdPack strategic partnership on the official website of the European Commission (European platform for inter-cluster collaboration - www.clustercollaboration.eu) together with profiles on target social networks (Linkedin, Google+, Facebook, Twitter), communication strategy was prepared together with marketing materials, two summary press releases were published and two work missions were successfully implemented (in the Czech Republic and Sweden). During the whole time of project being Continuous reporting to the European Commission and regular control video conferences and personal meetings took place.